Friday, October 26, 2007

New Pictures

Here you go. This littel girl is quickly establishing herself in America. A hearty breakfast of macaroni and cheese with hot dogs, a princess dress for Halloween, some good snuggle time with Carleton after school and playing soccer. Regarding soccer, we arranged for her to play the last two weeks of the season. We tried to tell her about it and even kicked around a soccer ball in the driveway but she really stayed apprehensive. As I pulled up to the first practice I heard a little voice from the back seat say "OH! SOCCER!" As in "I get it! Soccer!"

Hui's English is improving every day. When I pick her up from school she asks, "Ish Mama home?" She says, no, yes, house, puppy, kitty cat, hungry, water, stop, go, counts to 20, some colors (yellow is her favorite....again from the back seat: "YEAHWO CAR!" and sure enough there is), I don't see it, there it is, etc. She mimics non-stop. We have to be a bit careful what we say around her.... if you know what I mean. I never believed that we could communicate so well without words. She seems to be enjoying school and has a best friend. Whenever she draws a picture of herself the face always has a huge smile on it. That, we know, is a very good sign.

We look at her and say, "How did this happen?" "Where have you been all our lives?" She has quickly made a place in our hearts and we can not imagine life without her.

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